Class DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory

  extended by edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.backtrack.DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
ISelfDescribingModule, IBacktrackingInfoFactory, IModule, Disposable

public class DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory
extends Object
implements IBacktrackingInfoFactory, ISelfDescribingModule

CVS $Revision: 1.22 $ $Date: 2005/06/06 19:15:32 $
Robby , Matt Hoosier

Field Summary
protected  IStateFactory sf
protected  ISchedulingStrategist ss
protected  IValueFactory vf
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 IMessageStore connect(IBogorConfiguration bc)
          Connects this modules to other modules.
 IArrayElementBacktrackingInfo createArrayElementBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, IArrayValue arrayValue, int elementIndex, IValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IControlTransferBacktrackingInfo createControlTransferBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, int locDesc, IntObjectTable<IValue> deadLocalValues, Transformation t, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IEndStateBacktrackingInfo createEndStateBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action a, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IEnterFunctionBacktrackingInfo createEnterFunctionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, InvokeTransformation t, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IExceptionBacktrackingInfo createExceptionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, BogorException throwable, Node node, int threadId, int[] threadLocationStack, int[] threadTransformationIndexStack, IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack, int threadLockCount, boolean isUncaught, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi, IExceptionBacktrackingInfo.IExceptionKilledThreadInfo[] collateralThreadInfos)
 IExceptionBacktrackingInfo.IExceptionKilledThreadInfo createExceptionKilledThreadInfo(int threadId, int[] threadLocationStack, int[] threadTransformationIndexStack, IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack, int threadLockCount)
 IExitFunctionBacktrackingInfo createExitFunctionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, int locDesc, int transformationIndex, IValueArray localValues, IValue returnValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IExitThreadBacktrackingInfo createExitThreadBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int[] threadLocationStack, int[] threadTransformationIndexStack, IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IFieldBacktrackingInfo createFieldBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, IRecordValue arrayOrRecordValue, int fieldIndex, IValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int globalIndex, IDoubleValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int globalIndex, IFloatValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int globalIndex, IIntValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int globalIndex, ILongValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int globalIndex, INonPrimitiveValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int globalIndex, IPrimitiveExtValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, int globalIndex, IValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IDoubleValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IFloatValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IIntValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, ILongValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, INonPrimitiveValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IPrimitiveExtValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILockBacktrackingInfo createLockBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, LockOp lockOp, ILockValue lockValue, int owner, int lockCounter, int[] waiting, int[] notification, int oldLockCount, int notifiedThreadId, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 INoChangeBacktrackingInfo createNoChangeBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Action action, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IStartThreadBacktrackingInfo createStartThreadBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, int startedThreadId, int oldThreadIdSeed, Action action, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ITransformationsBacktrackingInfo createTransformationsBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int invisibleMoves, int threadId, int[] threadIds, int threadIndex, int lastMovedThreadId, Transformation[] transformations, int selectedIndex, boolean isInvisible, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 void dispose()
          Remove references.
 String getCopyrightNotice()
          Returns the copyright notice for this module.
static ITransformationsBacktrackingInfo getMostRecentTransformation(ArrayList<IBacktrackingInfo> stack)
 Pair<Domain,Boolean> getOptionDomain(String id)
 Collection<Triple<String,Boolean,OptionScope>> getOptionIds()
 Collection<String> getSuggestedValues(String id, IBogorConfiguration bc, SymbolTable st)
 IMessageStore setOptions(String key, Properties configuration)
          Sets the options for this module.
 boolean validate(String id, String value, IBogorConfiguration bc, SymbolTable st, Collection<FileMessage> errors)
          Checks whether the value of a configuration option is legal.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ISchedulingStrategist ss


protected IValueFactory vf


protected IStateFactory sf
Constructor Detail


public DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory()
Method Detail


public String getCopyrightNotice()
Description copied from interface: IModule
Returns the copyright notice for this module.

Specified by:
getCopyrightNotice in interface IModule
The copyright notice for this module. Returns null if no additional notice is necessary.


public IMessageStore setOptions(String key,
                                Properties configuration)
Description copied from interface: IModule
Sets the options for this module.

Specified by:
setOptions in interface IModule
key - The key (prefix) for this module options. Must be non-null. The key is used for module specific options.
configuration - The options for all modules. Must be non-null.


public IMessageStore connect(IBogorConfiguration bc)
Description copied from interface: IModule
Connects this modules to other modules.

Specified by:
connect in interface IModule
bc - The Bogor configuration containing modules to connect to. Must be non-null.


public IArrayElementBacktrackingInfo createArrayElementBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                        int threadId,
                                                                        Action action,
                                                                        IArrayValue arrayValue,
                                                                        int elementIndex,
                                                                        IValue oldValue,
                                                                        ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createArrayElementBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IControlTransferBacktrackingInfo createControlTransferBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                              int threadId,
                                                                              int locDesc,
                                                                              IntObjectTable<IValue> deadLocalValues,
                                                                              Transformation t,
                                                                              ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createControlTransferBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IEndStateBacktrackingInfo createEndStateBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                int threadId,
                                                                Action a,
                                                                ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createEndStateBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IEnterFunctionBacktrackingInfo createEnterFunctionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                          int threadId,
                                                                          InvokeTransformation t,
                                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createEnterFunctionBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IExceptionBacktrackingInfo.IExceptionKilledThreadInfo createExceptionKilledThreadInfo(int threadId,
                                                                                             int[] threadLocationStack,
                                                                                             int[] threadTransformationIndexStack,
                                                                                             IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack,
                                                                                             int threadLockCount)
Specified by:
createExceptionKilledThreadInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IExceptionBacktrackingInfo createExceptionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                  BogorException throwable,
                                                                  Node node,
                                                                  int threadId,
                                                                  int[] threadLocationStack,
                                                                  int[] threadTransformationIndexStack,
                                                                  IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack,
                                                                  int threadLockCount,
                                                                  boolean isUncaught,
                                                                  ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi,
                                                                  IExceptionBacktrackingInfo.IExceptionKilledThreadInfo[] collateralThreadInfos)
Specified by:
createExceptionBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IExitFunctionBacktrackingInfo createExitFunctionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                        int threadId,
                                                                        int locDesc,
                                                                        int transformationIndex,
                                                                        IValueArray localValues,
                                                                        IValue returnValue,
                                                                        ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createExitFunctionBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IExitThreadBacktrackingInfo createExitThreadBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                    int threadId,
                                                                    Action action,
                                                                    int[] threadLocationStack,
                                                                    int[] threadTransformationIndexStack,
                                                                    IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack,
                                                                    ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createExitThreadBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IFieldBacktrackingInfo createFieldBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Action action,
                                                          IRecordValue arrayOrRecordValue,
                                                          int fieldIndex,
                                                          IValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createFieldBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                            int threadId,
                                                            Action action,
                                                            int globalIndex,
                                                            IValue oldValue,
                                                            ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createGlobalBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                            int threadId,
                                                            Action action,
                                                            int globalIndex,
                                                            INonPrimitiveValue oldValue,
                                                            ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                            int threadId,
                                                            Action action,
                                                            int globalIndex,
                                                            IPrimitiveExtValue oldValue,
                                                            ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                            int threadId,
                                                            Action action,
                                                            int globalIndex,
                                                            IIntValue oldValue,
                                                            ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                            int threadId,
                                                            Action action,
                                                            int globalIndex,
                                                            ILongValue oldValue,
                                                            ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                            int threadId,
                                                            Action action,
                                                            int globalIndex,
                                                            IFloatValue oldValue,
                                                            ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public IGlobalBacktrackingInfo createGlobalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                            int threadId,
                                                            Action action,
                                                            int globalIndex,
                                                            IDoubleValue oldValue,
                                                            ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Node node,
                                                          int localIndex,
                                                          IValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createLocalBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Node node,
                                                          int localIndex,
                                                          IIntValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Node node,
                                                          int localIndex,
                                                          ILongValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Node node,
                                                          int localIndex,
                                                          IFloatValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Node node,
                                                          int localIndex,
                                                          IDoubleValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Node node,
                                                          int localIndex,
                                                          INonPrimitiveValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public ILocalBacktrackingInfo createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                          int threadId,
                                                          Node node,
                                                          int localIndex,
                                                          IPrimitiveExtValue oldValue,
                                                          ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)


public ILockBacktrackingInfo createLockBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                        int threadId,
                                                        Action action,
                                                        LockOp lockOp,
                                                        ILockValue lockValue,
                                                        int owner,
                                                        int lockCounter,
                                                        int[] waiting,
                                                        int[] notification,
                                                        int oldLockCount,
                                                        int notifiedThreadId,
                                                        ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createLockBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public INoChangeBacktrackingInfo createNoChangeBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                int threadId,
                                                                Action action,
                                                                ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createNoChangeBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public IStartThreadBacktrackingInfo createStartThreadBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                      int threadId,
                                                                      int startedThreadId,
                                                                      int oldThreadIdSeed,
                                                                      Action action,
                                                                      ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createStartThreadBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory


public ITransformationsBacktrackingInfo createTransformationsBacktrackingInfo(int stateId,
                                                                              int invisibleMoves,
                                                                              int threadId,
                                                                              int[] threadIds,
                                                                              int threadIndex,
                                                                              int lastMovedThreadId,
                                                                              Transformation[] transformations,
                                                                              int selectedIndex,
                                                                              boolean isInvisible,
                                                                              ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
Specified by:
createTransformationsBacktrackingInfo in interface IBacktrackingInfoFactory
stateId - fingerprint of state most recently stored in current DFS descent
invisibleMoves - number of invisible moves which have been consecutively executed since state indicated by stateId was stored
threadId - the descriptor of the thread taking this transformation
threadIds - the descriptors of the threads which would have executed each of the possible next moves given by transformations
threadIndex - the offset within the array of currently alive thread descriptors (as given by IState.getThreadIds()) at which threadId lives
lastMovedThreadId - prior value of an internal variable possibly used by searcher implementation
transformations - the possible next moves which could have been taken out of the state for which this move was made
selectedIndex - the offset within threadIds and transformations which gives this move (and the thread which executed it)
isInvisible - indicates whether this move will be invisible
ssi - scheduling bookkeeping information


public void dispose()
Description copied from interface: Disposable
Remove references. Once called, avoid using this object.

Specified by:
dispose in interface Disposable


public Collection<Triple<String,Boolean,OptionScope>> getOptionIds()
Specified by:
getOptionIds in interface ISelfDescribingModule
a set of tuples whose first element says the name of the option, and whose second element says whether the option is required, and whose third element says whether the option is private to this module (and thus prefixed by the interface implemented, e.g., edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.ISearcher) or global in scope (and thus no qualifier is prepended).


public Pair<Domain,Boolean> getOptionDomain(String id)
Specified by:
getOptionDomain in interface ISelfDescribingModule
a tuple whose first element says the domain of the option values, and whose second element says whether the option is multivalued (that is, a comma-separated list)


public Collection<String> getSuggestedValues(String id,
                                             IBogorConfiguration bc,
                                             SymbolTable st)
Specified by:
getSuggestedValues in interface ISelfDescribingModule


public boolean validate(String id,
                        String value,
                        IBogorConfiguration bc,
                        SymbolTable st,
                        Collection<FileMessage> errors)
Description copied from interface: ISelfDescribingModule
Checks whether the value of a configuration option is legal.

Specified by:
validate in interface ISelfDescribingModule
id - the option's name, as returned by the first tuple element of an item returned by ISelfDescribingModule.getOptionIds()
value - the value of the option, or null if unconfigued
st - the symbol table for the BIR model
errors - a container into which errors should be put. Implementors should not assume that errors is empty upon entry into this method; it may aggregate the results of calling validate on many ISelfDescribingModule instances.
true iff the option is supported and its value is legal


public static ITransformationsBacktrackingInfo getMostRecentTransformation(ArrayList<IBacktrackingInfo> stack)