Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.analyses Provides for Bogor modules. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast Provides for Bogor input language AST. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module Provide a generic framework for dataflow analysis on BIR transition systems. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.backtrack Provides types and factories for "undo" operations. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.throwable Provides for Bogor throwables. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.symboltable Provides for Bogor symbol table. 

Uses of Node in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.analyses

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.analyses with parameters of type Node
 void LocalVariablesCollector.collectLocalVars(Node n, Set<String> s)

Uses of Node in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast

Subclasses of Node in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast
 class AbstractLocal
          AbstractLocal AST.
 class Action
          The top level class for action AST.
 class ActionExtension
          Represents an action extension.
 class ActionStatement
          The action statement AST.
 class ApplyExp
          Apply exp AST.
 class ArrayAccessExp
          Array access exp AST.
 class AssertAction
          Assert action AST.
 class AssignAction
          Assign action AST.
 class AssumeAction
          Assume action AST.
 class ASTArrayType
          Array type AST.
 class ASTBooleanType
          Boolean type AST.
 class ASTDoubleType
          Double type AST.
 class ASTExtType
          Extension Type AST.
 class ASTFloatType
          Float type AST.
 class ASTFunType
          Functional type AST.
 class ASTIntRangeType
          Int range type AST.
 class ASTIntType
          Int type AST.
 class ASTLockType
          Lock type AST.
 class ASTLongRangeType
          Long range type AST.
 class ASTLongType
          Long type AST.
 class ASTStringType
          String type AST.
 class ASTThreadIdType
          Thread id type AST.
 class ASTType
          Top level class for type AST.
 class AtomicActionStatement
          The atomic (shorthand) action statement AST.
 class AtomicExp
          Atomic exp AST.
 class AtomicStatement
          The atomic statement AST.
 class BinaryExp
          Binary exp AST.
 class BlockStatement
          The block (sequence of statements) statement AST.
 class BlockTransformation
          Block transformation AST.
 class BooleanConstant
          Boolean constant AST.
 class BooleanLiteral
          Boolean literal AST.
 class CastExp
          Cast exp AST.
 class Catch
          Catch AST.
 class ChooseStatement
          The choose statement AST.
 class ConditionalExp
          Binary exp AST.
 class Constant
          The top level class for constant AST.
 class ConstantDefinition
          Constant definition AST.
 class Definition
          The top level class for definition AST.
 class DoubleConstant
          Double constant AST
 class DoubleLiteral
          Double literal AST
 class EnumDefinition
          Enum definition AST.
 class ExitThreadAction
          Assert action AST.
 class Exp
          The top level class for exp AST.
 class ExpAction
          Exp action AST.
 class ExpExtension
          Represents an exp extension.
 class Extension
          The top level class for extension AST.
 class ExtensionDefinition
          Extension definition AST.
 class ExtExp
          Represents an action or an exp extension usage.
 class Field
          Syntax tree node for field declarations inside a record type.
 class FieldAccessExp
          Field access exp AST.
 class FloatConstant
          Float constant AST
 class FloatLiteral
          Float literal AST
 class FSM
          FSM AST.
 class Fun
          Fun AST.
 class Global
          The top level class for global AST.
 class GotoNextState
          Goto next state AST
 class IdExp
          Id exp AST.
 class IdPrintArg
          Id print argument AST.
 class IdType
          Id type AST
 class IfStatement
          The if statement AST.
 class InitialValue
          An initial value of a local or global variable, along with an optional type coercion to make it compatible with the variable declaration.
 class InstanceofExp
          Instanceof exp AST.
 class IntConstant
          Int constant AST
 class IntLiteral
          Int literal AST
 class InvokeAction
           Node for stand-alone function invocation used in high-level BIR.
 class InvokeExp
          Invoke exp AST.
 class InvokeTransformation
          Invoke transformation AST.
 class KindofExp
          Kindof exp AST.
 class LetExp
          Let exp AST.
 class Literal
          The top level class for literal AST.
 class LiteralExp
          Literal exp AST.
 class LiveSet
          Live set AST.
 class Local
 class Location
          Location AST.
 class LockAction
          Lock action AST.
 class LockTestExp
          Lock test exp AST.
 class LongConstant
          Long constant AST
 class LongLiteral
          Long literal AST
 class LValueExp
          LHS interface used to indicate whether a class is an LHS or not.
 class NewArrayExp
          New array exp AST.
 class NewLockExp
          New lock exp AST.
 class NewRecordExp
          New record exp AST.
 class NextState
          The top level class for next state AST.
 class NullLiteral
          Null literal AST
 class Param
          Formal parameter to a FSM definition.
 class ParenExp
          Parenthesis exp AST.
 class PrintAction
          Print action AST.
 class PrintArg
          The top level class for print argument AST.
 class RecordDefinition
          Record definition AST.
 class ReturnNextState
          Return next state AST
 class ReturnStatement
          The return statement AST.
 class SkipStatement
          The skip statement AST.
 class StartThreadExp
          Start thread AST.
 class Statement
          The top level class for statement AST.
 class StringConstant
          String constant AST
 class StringLiteral
          String literal AST
 class StringPrintArg
          String print argument AST.
 class System
          The compilation unit for a BIR document.
 class SystemMember
          Top level class for a system member AST.
 class ThreadTestExp
          Thread test exp AST.
 class ThrowAction
          Throw action AST.
 class Transformation
          Transformation AST.
 class TryCatchStatement
          The try-catch statement AST.
 class TypeAliasDefinition
          Type-alias declaration AST.
 class TypedId
          Typed id AST.
 class TypeExtension
          Represents a type extension.
 class UnaryExp
          Unary exp AST.
 class VirtualTableDefinition
          Virtual table definition AST.
 class WhileStatement
          The while statement AST.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast that return Node
abstract  Node Node.clone()
          Clones this object (deep clone); including location info.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast with parameters of type Node
 void LocationInfo.setParent(Node newParent)
          Sets the parent of this object.

Constructors in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast with parameters of type Node
LocationInfo(Node parent)
          Constructor with parent.

Uses of Node in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module

Fields in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module declared as Node
protected  Node DefaultSchedulingStrategist.currentNode
          Stateful variable

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module that return Node
 Node IExtArguments.getNode()

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module with parameters of type Node
 int DefaultCounterExampleWriter.GuidedSchedulingStrategistProxy.advise(int extDesc, Node node, IValue[] choices, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
          [Document Pending]
 int DefaultSchedulingStrategist.advise(int extDesc, Node node, IValue[] choices, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 int ISchedulingStrategist.advise(int extDesc, Node node, IValue[] choices, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
          Choose among several possible values for an expression.
 IExceptionBacktrackingInfo IBacktrackingInfoFactory.createExceptionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, BogorException throwable, Node node, int threadId, int[] threadLocationStack, int[] threadTransformationIndexStack, IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack, int threadLockCount, boolean isUncaught, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi, IExceptionBacktrackingInfo.IExceptionKilledThreadInfo[] collateralThreadInfos)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo IBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 void DefaultCounterExampleWriter.GuidedSchedulingStrategistProxy.enter(ISchedulingStrategyContext ssc, Node node)
          [Document Pending]
 void DefaultSchedulingStrategist.enter(ISchedulingStrategyContext ssc, Node node)
 void ISchedulingStrategist.enter(ISchedulingStrategyContext ssc, Node node)
          Notify the scheduler that a thread is entering an FSM.
 IValue DefaultExpEvaluator.evaluateExt(String expExtId, Node node, Type[] typeVarArgs, IValue[] args)
 IValue IExpEvaluator.evaluateExt(String expExtId, Node node, Type[] typeVarArgs, IValue[] args)

Uses of Node in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.backtrack

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.backtrack that return Node
 Node CompoundBacktrackingInfo.getNode()
 Node IBacktrackingInfo.getNode()
          The point from which re-searching should start, if this reverse delta corresponds to a choice point.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.backtrack with parameters of type Node
 IExceptionBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createExceptionBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, BogorException throwable, Node node, int threadId, int[] threadLocationStack, int[] threadTransformationIndexStack, IValueArray[] threadLocalValuesStack, int threadLockCount, boolean isUncaught, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi, IExceptionBacktrackingInfo.IExceptionKilledThreadInfo[] collateralThreadInfos)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IDoubleValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IFloatValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IIntValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, ILongValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, INonPrimitiveValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IPrimitiveExtValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 ILocalBacktrackingInfo DefaultBacktrackingInfoFactory.createLocalBacktrackingInfo(int stateId, int threadId, Node node, int localIndex, IValue oldValue, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)

Constructors in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.backtrack with parameters of type Node
CompoundBacktrackingInfo(Node node, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi, int stateId, int threadId, List<IBacktrackingInfo> bis)

Uses of Node in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.throwable

Fields in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.throwable declared as Node
protected  Node BogorException.node

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.throwable that return Node
 Node BogorException.getNode()

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.throwable with parameters of type Node
 void BogorException.setNode(Node newNode)

Uses of Node in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.symboltable

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.symboltable that return types with arguments of type Node
 Map<String,ArrayList<Node>> SymbolTable.getForwardRecordTable()
          Gets the record name (String) to its forward references (ArrayList<Node>) mapping.