Uses of Class

Packages that use Exp
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast Provides for Bogor input language AST. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.checker Provides for Bogor AST checker. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module Provide a generic framework for dataflow analysis on BIR transition systems. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.value Provides for Bogor values. 
edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.parser Provides parser for Bogor input language. 

Uses of Exp in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast

Subclasses of Exp in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast
 class ApplyExp
          Apply exp AST.
 class ArrayAccessExp
          Array access exp AST.
 class AtomicExp
          Atomic exp AST.
 class BinaryExp
          Binary exp AST.
 class CastExp
          Cast exp AST.
 class ConditionalExp
          Binary exp AST.
 class ExtExp
          Represents an action or an exp extension usage.
 class FieldAccessExp
          Field access exp AST.
 class IdExp
          Id exp AST.
 class InstanceofExp
          Instanceof exp AST.
 class InvokeExp
          Invoke exp AST.
 class KindofExp
          Kindof exp AST.
 class LetExp
          Let exp AST.
 class LiteralExp
          Literal exp AST.
 class LockTestExp
          Lock test exp AST.
 class LValueExp
          LHS interface used to indicate whether a class is an LHS or not.
 class NewArrayExp
          New array exp AST.
 class NewLockExp
          New lock exp AST.
 class NewRecordExp
          New record exp AST.
 class ParenExp
          Parenthesis exp AST.
 class StartThreadExp
          Start thread AST.
 class ThreadTestExp
          Thread test exp AST.
 class UnaryExp
          Unary exp AST.

Fields in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast declared as Exp
protected  Exp IfStatement.exp
          Holds the condition.
protected  Exp ReturnStatement.exp
          Holds the optional exp.
protected  Exp WhileStatement.exp
          Holds the condition.
protected  Exp InitialValue.value
          The constant or literal expression.

Fields in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast with type parameters of type Exp
protected  ArrayList<Exp> ChooseStatement.exps
          Holds the choose conditions.
protected  ArrayList<Exp> IfStatement.exps
          Holds the optional elseif's conditions.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast that return Exp
abstract  Exp Exp.clone()
          Clones this object (deep clone); including location info.
 Exp ApplyExp.getArg(int index)
          Gets an argument at a specified index.
 Exp ExtExp.getArg(int index)
          Gets the argat a particular index.
 Exp InvokeExp.getArg(int index)
          Gets an argument at a specified index.
 Exp StartThreadExp.getArg(int index)
          Gets an argument at a specified index.
 Exp LetExp.getBindingExp(int index)
          Gets a binding exp at a specified index.
 Exp ChooseStatement.getChooseGuard(int index)
          Gets a choose guard at a specified index.
 Exp ConditionalExp.getCondition()
          Gets the condition exp.
 Exp IfStatement.getElseIfCondition(int index)
          Gets an elseif condition at a specified index.
 Exp ArrayAccessExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp AssertAction.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp AssignAction.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp AssumeAction.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp AtomicExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp CastExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp ExpAction.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp FieldAccessExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp Fun.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp IfStatement.getExp()
          Gets the condition.
 Exp InstanceofExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp KindofExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp LetExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp LockAction.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp LockTestExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp ParenExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp ThreadTestExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp ThrowAction.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp UnaryExp.getExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp WhileStatement.getExp()
          Gets the condition.
 Exp BinaryExp.getExp1()
          Gets the first exp.
 Exp ConditionalExp.getExp1()
          Gets the first exp.
 Exp BinaryExp.getExp2()
          Gets the second exp.
 Exp ConditionalExp.getExp2()
          Gets the second exp.
 Exp ArrayAccessExp.getIndex()
          Gets the index exp.
 Exp NewArrayExp.getLength(int index)
          Gets a length at a specified index.
 Exp FSM.getOptionalActiveMultiplicityExp()
          Retrieve expression giving multiplicity of an active thread type.
 Exp ReturnStatement.getOptionalExp()
          Gets the exp.
 Exp Transformation.getOptionalExp()
          Gets the optional exp.
 Exp InitialValue.getValue()
          Gets the initial value.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast with parameters of type Exp
 void ConditionalExp.setCondition(Exp newCond)
          Sets the conditione exp.
 void ArrayAccessExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void AssertAction.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void AssignAction.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void AssumeAction.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void AtomicExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void CastExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void ExpAction.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void FieldAccessExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void Fun.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void IfStatement.setExp(Exp exp)
          Sets the condition.
 void InstanceofExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void KindofExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void LetExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void LockAction.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void LockTestExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void ParenExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void ReturnStatement.setExp(Exp exp)
          Sets the exp.
 void ThreadTestExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void ThrowAction.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void Transformation.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void UnaryExp.setExp(Exp newExp)
          Sets the exp.
 void WhileStatement.setExp(Exp exp)
          Sets the condition.
 void BinaryExp.setExp1(Exp newExp1)
          Sets the first exp.
 void ConditionalExp.setExp1(Exp newExp1)
          Sets the first exp.
 void BinaryExp.setExp2(Exp newExp2)
          Sets the second exp.
 void ConditionalExp.setExp2(Exp newExp2)
          Sets the second exp.
 void ArrayAccessExp.setIndex(Exp newIndex)
          Sets the index exp.
 void FSM.setOptionalActiveMultiplicityExp(Exp num)
          Install syntax tree for expression giving number of replicated versions of this thread (only applicable for active thread types).
 void InitialValue.setValue(Exp newValue)
          Sets the initial value.

Method parameters in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast with type arguments of type Exp
 void ApplyExp.setArgs(List<? extends Exp> newArgs)
          Sets the arguments.
 void ExtExp.setArgs(List<? extends Exp> newArgs)
          Sets the arguments.
 void InvokeExp.setArgs(List<? extends Exp> newArgs)
          Sets the arguments.
 void StartThreadExp.setArgs(List<? extends Exp> newArgs)
          Sets the arguments.
 void LetExp.setBindingExps(List<? extends Exp> newBindingExps)
          Sets the binding exps.
 void IfStatement.setElseIfs(List<? extends Exp> exps, List<? extends Statement> stmts)
          Sets the elseifs.
 void NewArrayExp.setLengths(List<? extends Exp> newLengths)
          Sets the lengths.
 void ChooseStatement.setWhens(List<? extends Exp> exps, List<? extends Statement> stmts)
          Sets the choose guards and statements.

Constructors in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast with parameters of type Exp
ArrayAccessExp(Exp exp, Exp index)
          Default constructor.
AssertAction(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
AssignAction(LValueExp lhs, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
AssumeAction(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
AtomicExp(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
BinaryExp(BinaryOp binaryOp, Exp exp1, Exp exp2)
          Default constructor.
BlockTransformation(Exp exp, boolean invisible, boolean visible, List<? extends Action> actions, NextState nextState)
          Constructor with expression.
CastExp(ASTType type, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
ConditionalExp(Exp cond, Exp exp1, Exp exp2)
          Default constructor.
ExpAction(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
FieldAccessExp(Exp exp, String id)
          Default constructor.
FSM(FSM.DeclarationKeyword keyword, boolean active, Exp optionalNumActiveExp, boolean main, String id, ArrayList<Param> params, ASTType optionalReturnType, List<Local> locals, List<Location> locations, List<Catch> catches, Statement statement)
          Internal constructor.
Fun(String id, List<TypedId> params, ASTType returnType, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
IfStatement(Exp exp, Statement stmt, List<? extends Exp> exps, List<? extends Statement> stmts, Statement elseStmt)
          Default constructor.
InitialValue(Exp value)
          Node for initial value of a variable, left as its natural type.
InitialValue(Exp value, ASTType coercedType)
          Node for initial value of a variable, casted to a particular type.
InstanceofExp(Exp exp, ASTType type)
          Default constructor.
InvokeTransformation(Exp exp, InvokeExp invokeExp, boolean invisible, boolean visible, NextState nextState)
          Constructor with an exp.
InvokeTransformation(Exp exp, String id, InvokeExp invokeExp, boolean invisible, boolean visible, NextState nextState)
          Constructor with an exp and a local id.
KindofExp(Exp exp, ASTType type)
          Default constructor.
LetExp(List<? extends ASTType> bindingTypes, List<String> bindingIds, List<? extends Exp> bindingExps, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
LockAction(LockOp lockOp, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
LockTestExp(LockTestOp lockTestOp, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
ParenExp(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
ReturnStatement(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
ThreadTestExp(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
ThrowAction(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
UnaryExp(UnaryOp unaryOp, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
WhileStatement(Exp exp, Statement stmt)
          Default constructor.

Constructor parameters in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast with type arguments of type Exp
ApplyExp(String id, List<? extends Exp> args)
          Default constructor.
ChooseStatement(List<? extends Exp> exps, List<? extends Statement> stmts, Statement elseStmt)
          Default constructor.
ExtExp(String extId, String id, List<? extends ASTType> typeVarArgs, List<? extends Exp> args)
          Default constructor.
IfStatement(Exp exp, Statement stmt, List<? extends Exp> exps, List<? extends Statement> stmts, Statement elseStmt)
          Default constructor.
InvokeExp(String id, boolean virtual, List<? extends Exp> args)
          Default constructor.
LetExp(List<? extends ASTType> bindingTypes, List<String> bindingIds, List<? extends Exp> bindingExps, Exp exp)
          Default constructor.
NewArrayExp(ASTType type, List<? extends Exp> lengths, int rank)
          Default constructor.
StartThreadExp(String id, List<? extends Exp> args)
          Default constructor.

Uses of Exp in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.checker

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.checker with parameters of type Exp
static Type ExpChecker.checkExp(Exp node, boolean allowHighLevel, boolean inSideEffectFreeContext, Map<String,Type> bindingMap, edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.checker.TypeChecker ttc, SymbolTable st, FSMSymbolTable fsmSt)
          Calculate the type of an expression.
 Integer ConstIntExpEvaluator.getValue(Exp exp)
          Retrieve the integer value of the expression, or null if it wasn't either a const reference or literal.
static boolean LegalInitialValueChecker.isConst(Exp e, SymbolTable st)
           Determine if the expression is a legal initial value for a variable.
 boolean ConstIntExpEvaluator.ConstIntExpEnforcer.isExpConst(Exp exp)

Uses of Exp in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.transform

Fields in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.transform declared as Exp
protected  Exp HighToLowAtomicExpCompiler.intermediateResult
          Installed only for duration of call to {@link #compileExp(HighToLowBIRCompiler, Exp).
protected  Exp HighToLowNonAtomicExpCompiler.intermediateResult
          Node that holds result of a compiled expression.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.transform that return Exp
 Exp HighToLowBIRCompiler.assignExpToNewLocal(Exp exp, ExpBindingResolver ebr, ASTType type)
protected  Exp HighToLowBIRCompiler.compileExp(Exp exp)
          Return an expression which contains the final evaluation of exp, transformed to remove inline function application and respect the atomicity context of the current statment.
protected  Exp HighToLowAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr)
protected  Exp HighToLowNonAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> wentAtomic)
 Exp HighToLowAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(HighToLowBIRCompiler htlbirc, Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> wentAtomic)
 Exp HighToLowNonAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(HighToLowBIRCompiler htlbirc, Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> wentAtomic)
 Exp IExpCompiler.compileExp(HighToLowBIRCompiler birc, Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> enteredAtomic)
          Do a pre-order traversal which yields an expression containing a low-level BIR expression containing the evaluation of e.
 Exp ExpBindingResolver.getResolution(String boundId)

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.ast.transform with parameters of type Exp
 void ExpBindingResolver.addResolution(String boundId, Exp computedResultExp)
 boolean HighToLowBIRCompiler.applicationIsInvocation(Exp node, String invokedId)
 Exp HighToLowBIRCompiler.assignExpToNewLocal(Exp exp, ExpBindingResolver ebr, ASTType type)
protected  Exp HighToLowBIRCompiler.compileExp(Exp exp)
          Return an expression which contains the final evaluation of exp, transformed to remove inline function application and respect the atomicity context of the current statment.
protected  Exp HighToLowAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr)
protected  Exp HighToLowNonAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> wentAtomic)
 Exp HighToLowAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(HighToLowBIRCompiler htlbirc, Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> wentAtomic)
 Exp HighToLowNonAtomicExpCompiler.compileExp(HighToLowBIRCompiler htlbirc, Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> wentAtomic)
 Exp IExpCompiler.compileExp(HighToLowBIRCompiler birc, Exp e, ExpBindingResolver ebr, Wrapper<Boolean> enteredAtomic)
          Do a pre-order traversal which yields an expression containing a low-level BIR expression containing the evaluation of e.
 boolean HighToLowAtomicExpCompiler.InvocationDetector.expressionContainsInvocation(Exp e)

Uses of Exp in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module with parameters of type Exp
protected  IValue DefaultExpEvaluator.evaluate(Exp exp)
 IValue DefaultExpEvaluator.evaluate(ISchedulingStrategyContext ssc, Exp exp, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IValue IExpEvaluator.evaluate(ISchedulingStrategyContext ssc, Exp exp, ISchedulingStrategyInfo ssi)
 IExpASTValue IValueFactory.newExpASTValue(Exp exp)
          Creates an exp AST value.

Uses of Exp in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.value

Fields in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.value declared as Exp
protected  Exp DefaultExpASTValue.exp
          Holds the exp AST of this exp AST value.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.value that return Exp
 Exp DefaultExpASTValue.getExp()
 Exp IExpASTValue.getExp()
          Gets the exp AST of this exp AST value.

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.value with parameters of type Exp
 IExpASTValue DefaultValueFactory.newExpASTValue(Exp exp)

Constructors in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.module.value with parameters of type Exp
DefaultExpASTValue(Exp exp)
          Default constructor.

Uses of Exp in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.parser

Methods in edu.ksu.cis.projects.bogor.parser that return Exp
 Exp BogorParser.AdditiveExp()
 Exp BogorParser.AndExp()
 Exp BogorParser.CastExp()
 Exp BogorParser.ConditionalAndExp()
 Exp BogorParser.ConditionalExp()
 Exp BogorParser.ConditionalImplyExp()
 Exp BogorParser.ConditionalOrExp()
 Exp BogorParser.EqualityExp()
 Exp BogorParser.ExclusiveOrExp()
 Exp BogorParser.Exp()
 Exp BogorParser.InclusiveOrExp()
 Exp BogorParser.InstanceOfExp()
 Exp BogorParser.LockTest()
 Exp BogorParser.MultiplicativeExp()
 Exp BogorParser.PrimaryPrefix()
 Exp BogorParser.RelationalExp()
 Exp BogorParser.ShiftExpression()
 Exp BogorParser.ThreadTest()
 Exp BogorParser.UnaryExp()
 Exp BogorParser.UnaryExpNotPlusMinus()
 Exp BogorParser.Value()